Tuesday, January 08, 2008


...Or at least THIS man shouldn't diet. Since the New Year I have been trying to shed a few pounds. I've actually lost about 8 lbs by just reducing the size of my meals, eating healthier, not eating after 7:00pm and trying to eat small meals though out the day.

Here's the problem...I think I am having panic attacks because I have been dieting. It's not that I feel REALLY hungry or I don't like the food that I am eating or even that after eating a smaller dinner I don't feel satisfied. I think it's because I go through the day thinking about food that I didn't even eat BEFORE I started dieting. Things like chips, ice cream, cake, pie, nacho cheese and sausage. I didn't even eat those things BEFORE my diet...so why do I want them now? I'm thinking it's because I'M JUST MESSED UP IN THE HEAD!

I'll keep you updated on my diet....and my panic attacks...oh by the way, I should point out that's NOT a picture of me at the top of this post. But it could be if my diet fails.

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