Monday, August 24, 2009


Mark Joyella is just an ordinary guy, who like all guys, does some things that annoys his wife.

Only his wife, Tiffanie, decided to start a blog called My Husband is Annoying where she gets to rail against her husband's annoying traits.

By the way, they've only been married five months.

In her blog, she complains about things like his love of fart jokes, the fact that he wears the same zip-up green sweater in every family photograph and his inability to figure out the TV remote.

But while many men would be angered by his wife's public airing of her complaints, Mark loves it. He finds it funny and says it's a tribute to all husbands.

What's even better is that since Tiffanie's blog needs him to be annoying in order to stay active, Mark can be as annoying as much as he wants.

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