Thursday, November 06, 2008



Contrary to popular belief, there is a RIGHT way to drive . . . and a WRONG way to drive. Anyway, if you're trying to make everyone else on the road HATE you . . . here are TEN surefire ways to do it.

Here' the top tem list from SPIKE TV:

#10.) Hurry Up and Stop: You've seen these guys. They weave in and out of traffic, cutting off other drivers at twice the speed limit. But when you reach the next red light . . . they're sitting right there next to you.

#9.) Everyone Needs to Hear My Music: Sorry folks, but I don't want to hear your crappy FERGIE CD . . . and I don't want my kids to hear the new TOO SHORT song where he says the "F-word" over and over and over and over and over . . .

#8.) Honking at Someone Trying to Make an Unprotected Left: If you're sitting behind someone who's trying to turn left, they're probably going to wait until it's SAFE before making the turn. Honking is only going to distract them . . . so don't do it.

#7.) Super Bright Headlights on a Lifted Truck: I get it . . . you want to be able to see where you're going. But when your unnecessarily bright headlights are shining right in my eyes . . . I kind of want you to drive off a cliff. I'm sorry, but I do.

#6.) Riding the Brakes: The road is completely open in front of you . . . so why are you hitting your brakes every ten seconds? Seriously . . . why?

#5.) It's Not "Your" Lane: I'm driving down the road and there's plenty of room to change lanes. But the moment you see my blinker come on . . . you speed up and block my way. Do you know how much I hate it when you do that?

#4.) Trying to Find the Magical Super Lane: If the highway is congested and traffic is moving at 15 miles per hour . . . you're not going to make it to your destination any quicker if you dart in and out of lanes. You just won't.

#3.) Get Off Your Freaking Cell Phone: Why is it that the minute someone gets on their cell phone, maintaining control of their car . . . which is screaming down the highway at 80 miles per hour . . . suddenly becomes priority number TWO?

#2.) Stopping Traffic in Your Lane So You Can Cut Over: There might be signs for MILES telling you which lane you need to be in . . . but it doesn't matter because there will always be a few jerks who stay in the wrong lane until it's too late.

#1.) Cutting People Off: How hard is it to switch lanes without totally screwing me over? You know what? I'll answer that: It's easy . . . really easy, actually. The problem is that you just don't care.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Everyone needs to use their turn signals!!