Tuesday, June 16, 2009


Calvin Klein unveiled a racy new billboard in New York City, which features a TOPLESS woman lying on top of a shirtless guy . . . while making out with another shirtless guy. And lying on the floor is . . . you guessed it . . . yet another shirtless guy.

Anyway, as usual, some people are saying the billboard is borderline pornographic. But, according to a company spokesman, it's only meant to, quote, "create a very sexy campaign that speaks to our targeted demographic."
People, if you haven't figured it out already, the only reason Calvin Klein puts up these kinds of billboards . . . is because they know prudes like YOU will make a big deal about it and give them tons of free advertising and cool points with the kids.

In other words, if you want Calvin Klein and other companies to stop using sex to sell their products . . . then you need to stop freaking out every time you see an ad that's even mildly sexually suggestive. How can you not know this already?

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