Monday, June 09, 2008


Ted Nugent has written an op-ed piece in the Detroit News outlining for graduates the keys to leading a good life in America. Nugent writes, "What I am about to tell you will help you immensely throughout the rest of your lives if you commit to practicing Uncle Ted's proven modus operandi for a quality of life."

Work: Nobody owes you a thing. Everything you will get out of life will be based solely on what you put into it... The only free lunches are at the homeless shelter. If you want to dance, you have to pay the band. And you will get what you pay for.

Values: Never be afraid to let yourself go and exhibit unbridled raw emotion and enthusiasm. Emotions need exercise. March to the beat of making your own loud and obnoxious guitar-breeding noises no matter how many times they tell you to turn down and stop the feedback.

Politics: Be intelligently and effectively defiant. Defiance is the very spirit that gave birth to this country when our forefathers fought against overwhelming odds, signed the Declaration of Independence and fired the 'shot heard 'round the world.' If you have not made a few well-deserving idiots boil over in anger by the time you are 25, get busy. We live in a target-rich environment of liberal denial.

In closing he writes, "Trust your gut feelings. Only trust people who have earned your trust. Trust but verify. Never trust the French. Have fun. Life is not a dress rehearsal. Live smart, live good. Rock hard."

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