Thursday, November 01, 2007


I love stories about Big Foot, Aliens and the Loch Ness I was really excited when I came across this story about a baby Big Foot from the Associated Press.

A photograph taken by a hunter in Pennsylvania has reignited debate over the existence of a manlike monster known as Bigfoot. Rick Jacobs claims to have taken the pictures using a camera hung from a tree with an automatic trigger.
"We couldn't figure out what they were," Mr Jacobs said in a report by the Associated Press. "I've been hunting for years and I've never seen anything like this.''
The hunter said that after a week of trying to decipher what had walked past his camera lens, he contacted the Bigfoot Research Organization.
The Bigfoot research organization said it believes it's a baby Bigfoot. Bigfoot enthusiasts say it appears to be the real deal but, perhaps predictably because of the quality of the photos, other experts say it looks like a bear "with a severe case of mange", according to AP.
Paul Majeta of the Bigfoot group said he has

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